The Seychelles are an archipelago of 115 islands in the Indian Ocean, off the coast of East Africa. Here you will find numerous beaches, coral reefs and nature reserves. From this archipelago we can reach India, the coasts of East Africa and even the Arabian Peninsula. An unmissable stop for La Corallina which offers these 4 different decorations for your table. Seychelles means discovery, extraordinary vegetation and different worlds that meet in the bays and inlets with wonderful views. The Seychelles Plates Collection, with a colonial flavor of the modern era, is made up of 4 rectangular Plates, available in the classic (29 x 39 cm) or "breakfast" 15 x 25 cm format.
The Seychelles are an archipelago of 115 islands in the Indian Ocean, off the coast of East Africa. Here you will find numerous beaches, coral reefs and nature reserves. From this archipelago we can reach India, the coasts of East Africa and even the Arabian Peninsula. An unmissable stop for La Corallina which offers these 4 different decorations for your table. Seychelles means discovery, extraordinary vegetation and different worlds that meet in the bays and inlets with wonderful views. The Seychelles Plates Collection, with a colonial flavor of the modern era, is made up of 4 rectangular Plates, available in the classic (29 x 39 cm) or "breakfast" 15 x 25 cm format.
Additional Information
Rectangular 30X40 cm.,
Breakfast 19 x 25 cm,
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